Brutal Doom V21

Brutal Doom V21 4,7/5 1952reviews

This is a public test version of Brutal Doom v21. It's not finished, I still don't have all the planned features done,but it already is more stable than v20b and has a giant list of new things implemented.

Almost everything you have seen on my dev diary trailers can be found on this version. Full version might come up after Christmas. Compatible with.

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Mirror: January 02: - Doubled pistol and smg maximum ammo pool. - Fixed a bug on the Evil Marine's death animations that often prevented the exit doors on EDAY06 from opening. - Increased Machinegun's damage per bullet by 1. - Reduced the Super Mastermind's health by half. - Fixed a bug that didn't allowed the axe to be picked up on multiplayer.

Brutal Doom V21

For Brutal Doom creator Sgt. Mark doesn't have a release date planned for Brutal Doom V21, but says to expect it sometime this year. See comments. Brutal Doom v21 first public beta has been released! Check the latest Development Diary from last week, mentioning some of the newest features.

More Brutal Doom V21 videos. This is a public test version of Brutal Doom v21. It's not finished, I still don't have all the planned features done.

December 31: - Fixed several weapon bugs. - Re-introduced the Evil Marines.

Brutal Doom V21

Now they can either have a rifle or plasmagun and have the ability to jump over obstacles. - Archviles no longer kills captured marines, instead, turns them into Evil Marines. - Fixed some bugs necessary for the latest version of Extermination Day beta to work. December 16 Changelog: - Archvile's attacks will now thrust the player upwards just like in Vanilla Doom.

- Increased the fire rate of the Shotgun and the Super Shotgun. - Decreased minigun spread and wind up time, increased recoil. - New fire sound for the minigun. - Fixed a bug that caused infinite heads of a Hell Knight to explode, causing a lot of lag. - Assault Shotgun's reload can be stopped to switch to another weapon. - Removed a screen effect when taking damage from explosives that caused the game to desync online. - Rifle magazines gives 30 ammo instead of 10.

- Fixed a bug that caused enemies to scream infinitely when killed outside the player's view. - Increased damage caused by hook and uppercuts while on Berserk mode.

- Flying monsters (cacodemon, pain elemental, lost soul) now takes 3x bonus damage from shrapnel, making frags and the grenade launcher much more effective against them. - Restored over the top death animation for zombies and imps when killing them with shotguns at point blank range. - Now after the eye removal fatality on Cacodemons, the player is able to throw the cacodemon's eye (knocks down small enemies). Chronicle font.

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